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Python -- dynamic multiple inheritance

I'm seeking advice about design of my code.


I have several classes, each represents one file type, eg: MediaImageFile, MediaAudioFile and generic (and also base class) MediaGenericFile.

Each file have two variants: Master and Version, so I created these classes to define theirs specific behaviour. EDIT: Version represents resized/cropped/trimmed/etc variant of Master file. It's used mainly for previews.

EDIT: The reason, why I want to do it dynamically is that this app should be reusable (it's Django-app) and therefore it should be easy to implement other MediaGenericFile subclass without modifying original code.

What I want to do

  1. First of all, user should be able to register own MediaGenericFile subclasses without affecting original code.

  2. Whether file is version or master is easily (one regexp) recognizable from filename.

    /path/to/master.jpg                   -- master
    /path/to/.versions/master_version.jpg -- version
  3. Master/Version classes use some methods/properties of MediaGenericFile, like filename (you need to know filename to generate new version).

  4. MediaGenericFile extends LazyFile, which is just lazy File object.

Now I need to put it together…

Used design

Before I start coding 'versions' feature, I had factory class MediaFile, which returns appropriate file type class according to extension:

>>> MediaFile('path/to/image.jpg')
<<< <MediaImageFile 'path/to/image.jpg'>

Classes Master and Version define new methods which use methods and attributes of MediaGenericFile and etc.

Approach 1

One approach is create dynamically new type, which inherits Master (or Version) and MediaGenericFile (or subclass).

class MediaFile(object):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        ...  # decision about klass
        if version:
            bases = (Version, klass)
            class_name = '{0}Version'.format(klass.__name__)
            bases = (Master, klass)
            class_name = '{0}Master'.format(klass.__name__)

        new_class = type(class_name, bases, {})
        return new_class(*args, **kwargs)

Approach 2

Second approach is create method 'contribute_to_instance' in Master/Version and call it after creating new_class, but that's more tricky than I thought:

classs Master(object):
    def contribute_to_instance(cls, instance):
        methods = (...)
        for m in methods:
            setattr(instance, m, types.MethodType(getattr(cls, m), instance))

class MediaFile(object):
    def __new__(*args, **kwargs):
        ...  # decision about new_class
        obj = new_class(*args, **kwargs)
        if version:
            version_class = Version
            version_class = Master

        return obj

However, this doesn't work. There are still problems with calling Master/Version's methods.


What would be good way to implement this multiple inheritance?

How is this problem called? :) I was trying to find some solutions, but I simply don't know how to name this problem.

Thanks in advance!

Note to answers

ad larsmans

Comparison and instance check wouldn't be problem for my case, because:

  1. Comparisons are redefined anyway

    class MediaGenericFile(object):
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.name == other.name
  2. I never need to check isinstance(MediaGenericFileVersion, instance). I'm using isinstance(MediaGenericFile, instance) and isinstance(Version, instance) and both works as expected.

Nevertheless, creating new type per instance sounds to me as considerable defect.

Well, I could create both variations dynamically in metaclass and then use them, something like:

>>> MediaGenericFile.version_class
<<< <class MediaGenericFileVersion>
>>> MediaGenericFile.master_class
<<< <class MediaGenericFileMaster>

And then:

class MediaFile(object):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        ...  # decision about klass
        if version:
            attr_name = 'version_class'
            attr_name = 'master_class'

    new_class = getattr(klass, attr_name)
    return new_class(*args, **kwargs)

Final solution

Finally the design pattern is factory class. MediaGenericFile subclasses are statically typed, users can implement and register their own. Master/Version variants are created dynamically (glued together from several mixins) in metaclass and stored in 'cache' to avoid perils mentioned by larsmans.

Thanks everyone for their suggestions. Finally I understand the metaclass concept. Well, at least I think that I understand it. Push origin master…

like image 983
Tomáš Ehrlich Avatar asked Jul 21 '12 11:07

Tomáš Ehrlich

3 Answers

I'd certainly advise against the first approach of constructing classes in __new__. The problem with it is that you create a new type per instance, which causes overhead and worse, causes type comparisons to fail:

>>> Ham1 = type("Ham", (object,), {})
>>> Ham2 = type("Ham", (object,), {})
>>> Ham1 == Ham2
>>> isinstance(Ham1(), Ham2)
>>> isinstance(Ham2(), Ham1)

This violates the principle of least surprise because the classes may seem entirely identical:

>>> Ham1
<class '__main__.Ham'>
>>> Ham2
<class '__main__.Ham'>

You can get approach 1 to work properly, though, if you construct the classes at the module level, outside of MediaFile:

classes = {}
for klass in [MediaImageFile, MediaAudioFile]:
    for variant in [Master, Version]:
        # I'd actually do this the other way around,
        # making Master and Version mixins
        bases = (variant, klass)
        name = klass.__name__ + variant.__name__
        classes[name] = type(name, bases, {})

then, in MediaFile.__new__, look the required class up by name in classes. (Alternatively, set the newly constructed classes on the module instead of in a dict.)

like image 97
Fred Foo Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Fred Foo

I'm not sure how dynamic you want it to be, but using a "factory pattern" (here using a class factory), is fairly readable and understandable and may do what you want. This could serve as a base... MediaFactory could be smarter, and you could register multiple other classes, instead of hard-coding MediaFactoryMaster etc...

class MediaFactory(object):

    __items = {}

    def make(cls, item):
        return cls.__items[item]

    def register(cls, item):
        def func(kls):
            cls.__items[item] = kls
            return kls
        return func

class MediaFactoryMaster(MediaFactory, Master): pass
class MediaFactoryVersion(MediaFactory, Version): pass

class MediaFile(object):

@MediaFactoryMaster.register('jpg') # adapt to take ['jpg', 'gif', 'png'] ?
class MediaFileImage(MediaFile):

@MediaFactoryVersion.register('mp3') # adapt to take ['mp3', 'ogg', 'm4a'] ?
class MediaFileAudio(MediaFile):

other possible MediaFactory.make

def make(cls, fname):
    name, ext = somefunc(fname)
    kls = cls.__items[ext]
    other = Version if Version else Master
    return type('{}{}'.format(kls.__name__,other.__name__), (kls, other), {})
like image 29
Jon Clements Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11

Jon Clements

How come you're not using inheritance but are playing around with __new__?

class GenericFile(File):
    """Base class"""

class Master(object):
    """Master Mixin"""

class Versioned(object):
    """Versioning mixin"""

class ImageFile(GenericFile):
    """Image Files"""

class MasterImage(ImageFile, Master):

class VersionedImage(ImageFile, Versioned):
    """Blah blah blah"""


It's not clear why you're doing this though. I think there's a weird code smell here. I'd recommend fewer classes with a consistent interface (duck-typing) rather than a dozen classes and isinstance checks throughout the code to make it all work.

Perhaps you can update your question with what you'd like to do in your code and folks can help either identify the real pattern or a suggest a more idiomatic solution.

like image 26
stderr Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11
