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Groovy: same parameters, different results



In the below code, x.test() returns [1,2].

So y = [1,2].

Yet f([1,2]) prints 1, but f(y) prints 2.

How do I write f(y) so it prints 1?

Perversely, f(z) prints 1, even though z = y.

def f = { Object... args -> println args.size(); };

class Test { Object[] test() { return [1,2]; } }

def x = new Test();
def y = x.test();
def z = [1,2];

f([1,2]); // 1
f(y); // 2
f(z); // 1
like image 207
Clinton Avatar asked Jun 03 '13 06:06


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2 Answers

The problem is that y and z, while they appear to be the same, are actually of different types. y is an Object[] while z is an ArrayList<Integer>. Groovy handles arrays and lists differently, automatically coercing the former into a varargs parameter list, but not the latter.

println y.getClass(); // class [Ljava.lang.Object
println z.getClass(); // class java.util.ArrayList

As for a solution to your problem, either change your test() to return a List instead of an array:

class Test { List test() { return [1,2]; } }

or manually coerce the array into a list when you pass it to f:

f(y as List); // 1
like image 79
Chris B Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Chris B

The expression [1,2] in Groovy denotes an ArrayList with two members, Integer.valueOf(1) and Integer.valueOf(2). Thus when you call f([1,2]) Groovy creates a single-element array containing this ArrayList as its only item, and passes that array as the closure argument.

But x.test() is declared to return Object[] so the [1,2] ArrayList will be converted to a two element Object[] by the return. Thus y is already an Object[] and does not need to be boxed up in a varargs array to be passed to f.

You need to turn y back into a list, either by changing the return type of test() or by saying

f(y as List)

Conversely, you can use the spread operator

f(*z) // 2

which will extract the elements of the ArrayList and pass them as individual arguments to the call (which will then be packaged up into a varargs array as usual).

like image 38
Ian Roberts Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Ian Roberts