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GRIZZLY0023 Glassfish warning

I have deployed 2 web application in java on GlassFish server. I am using Glassfish Server They both have java servlet pages from where they receive http requests, also the code is identical, only different parameters (for different clients). The first works well and the other process the http request very long. After that i noticed the next thing:

I am constantly getting this warning in the Glassfish output in Netbeans.

WARNING: GRIZZLY0023: Interrupting idle Thread: http-thread-pool-9990

Can anyone explain me why i get this warning, and how to solve it.

like image 829
AdrianES Avatar asked Mar 26 '14 16:03


1 Answers

This occurred when the server is idle. When the server is idle for some time then it start generating

GRIZZLY0023: Interrupting idle Thread:

warning in the log file and we have to restart the server. We observed this in Glassfish build 5. We never observed this in older Glassfish.

This indicates that there is some bug in GF version.

like image 59
Tushar Patel Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10

Tushar Patel