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Grep across multiple files in Hadoop Filesystem


I am working with Hadoop and I need to find which of ~100 files in my Hadoop filesystem contain a certain string.

I can see the files I wish to search like this:

bash-3.00$ hadoop fs -ls /apps/mdhi-technology/b_dps/real-time

..which returns several entries like this:

-rw-r--r--   3 b_dps mdhi-technology 1073741824 2012-07-18 22:50 /apps/mdhi-technology/b_dps/HADOOP_consolidated_RT_v1x0_20120716_aa
-rw-r--r--   3 b_dps mdhi-technology 1073741824 2012-07-18 22:50 /apps/mdhi-technology/b_dps/HADOOP_consolidated_RT_v1x0_20120716_ab

How do I find which of these contains the string bcd4bc3e1380a56108f486a4fffbc8dc? Once I know, I can edit them manually.

like image 635
arsenal Avatar asked Jul 28 '12 02:07


1 Answers

This is a hadoop "filesystem", not a POSIX one, so try this:

hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdmi-technology/b_dps/real-time | awk '{print $8}' | \
while read f
  hadoop fs -cat $f | grep -q bcd4bc3e1380a56108f486a4fffbc8dc && echo $f

This should work, but it is serial and so may be slow. If your cluster can take the heat, we can parallelize:

hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdmi-technology/b_dps/real-time | awk '{print $8}' | \
  xargs -n 1 -I ^ -P 10 bash -c \
  "hadoop fs -cat ^ | grep -q bcd4bc3e1380a56108f486a4fffbc8dc && echo ^"

Notice the -P 10 option to xargs: this is how many files we will download and search in parallel. Start low and increase the number until you saturate disk I/O or network bandwidth, whatever is relevant in your configuration.

EDIT: Given that you're on SunOS (which is slightly brain-dead) try this:

hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdmi-technology/b_dps/real-time | awk '{print $8}' | while read f; do hadoop fs -cat $f | grep bcd4bc3e1380a56108f486a4fffbc8dc >/dev/null && echo $f; done
like image 57
phs Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
