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AWS Automatically Generating New Instance After I Terminate It.


OK, odd thing is happening on AWS.

I downloaded the AWS .NET developer tools and created an elastic beanstalk default instance. I then, for one reason or another, created another instance via the Visual Studio interface and that instance is where all the clients code / configurations reside. I then returned to the default instance created by elastic beanstalk and terminated it. An hour later, I logged back on and another default instance was up and running. It seems that AWS has detected that I terminated the instance and has spawned another. Some sort of check seems to be in place. Can somebody tell me what is going on here and how to completely remove the default instance (and its termination protection behavior)?


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Peter Avatar asked Sep 18 '12 17:09


People also ask

How do I delete an EC2 instance after termination?

To delete terminated EC2 Instances, locate the instance you want to delete in the EC2 Console under the Instances page. Click on the instance and select the Terminate option. Once you've selected “terminate,” you will receive a pop-up confirmation. Click “yes” to confirm.

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Terminated instances remain visible after termination (for approximately one hour). By default, Amazon EC2 deletes all EBS volumes that were attached when the instance launched.

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If you detach instances from your Auto Scaling group, you put instances on standby, or you explicitly terminate instances and decrement the desired capacity, which prevents replacement instances from launching, the group can become unbalanced.

2 Answers

I've experienced something similar. If the instance was created through Elastic Beanstalk, you need to go the Elastic Beanstalk screen in the AWS console and remove the application from there first. If you just terminate the instance from the EC2 screen, Elastic Beanstalk probably thinks that the instance crashed and launches a new one.

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David Levesque Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 02:11

David Levesque

if beanstalk is not enable, then most probably it is creating from auto scaling. which is present in EC2 service itself.

Go to auto scaling and first delete the auto configuration group and launch configuration for that associate instance.

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Sanny Patel Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11

Sanny Patel