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Graphing criterion benchmarks taking different orders of magnitude of time

I have a Criterion benchmark where each bgroup corresponds to a test, and within each bgroup there are two bench values of the test with different options. For example:

main = defaultMain
    [bgroup "test1" [bench "v1" test1_1, bench "v2" test1_2]
    ,bgroup "test2" [bench "v1" test2_1, bench "v2" test2_2
    -- lots more tests

Within each bgroup the two bench tests are comparable. However, test1 takes 2000 micro seconds, while test2 takes 45 micro seconds. The overview graph (which is most useful for what I want to do) displays different tests on the same axes, so I can clearly see the differences in test1, but test2 is hard to see.

Is it possible to normalise each bgroup for plotting? Or show them on separate axes? Or should I dump the CSV data and plot what I want myself?

like image 461
Neil Mitchell Avatar asked Apr 17 '14 09:04

Neil Mitchell

1 Answers

I have just released a library criterion-plus. It is a dome library over "criterion", which approaches the issue you're experiencing amongst others. It allows you to declare multiple "standoffs", which generate independent "criterion" report files. Another important issue it fixes is the ability to exclude "setup/teardown" phases from benchmarking, which "criterion" does not let you do.

Here is an example of how this library is supposed to be used:

import CriterionPlus
import qualified SomeMySQLLib as MySQL
import qualified SomePostgreSQLLib as PostgreSQL

main = 
  benchmark $ do
    standoff "Inserting rows" $ do
      subject "MySQL" $ do
        -- Exclude the "setup" phase from measurement:
        connection <- liftIO $ MySQL.openConnection
        -- Measure what we want:
        liftIO $ MySQL.insertAThousandRows connection
        -- Exclude the "teardown" phase from measurement:
        liftIO $ MySQL.closeConnection connection
      subject "PostgreSQL" $ do
        -- This is how we can exclude the "setup" phase from monad transformers:
        PostgreSQL.runSession $ do
          lift $ continue
          -- Exclude "teardown":
          lift $ pause
    -- Each standoff generates an independent report file:
    standoff "Querying" $ do
      subject "MySQL" $ error "So on..."
      subject "PostgreSQL" $ error "So on..."
like image 161
Nikita Volkov Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 04:10

Nikita Volkov