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Graphene-Django: Concepts of Connections, Edges, and Nodes

I just started experimenting with graphene-django/GraphQL and am pretty confused about the relay library that has been brought in for graphene-django. After running through the cookbook example (implementing it with my own models) and running a test query, upon POST the query gets transformed to a strangely nested object with edges and nodes. What are these and what are they doing?

  companies {
    edges {
      node {
like image 759
Andrew Bettke Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 20:01

Andrew Bettke

1 Answers


It may be worth mentioning that Node is part of the Facebook Relay specs (not GraphQL specs). However, most framework (Graphene included) implement this spec due to the close association between Relay and GraphQL.

Essentially Node is an interface that implements just an ID field, which is meant to be an globally unique identifier for an object. IDs are designed to be opaque (typical convention is to base64('type:id')), applications should not attempt to rely on this implementation detail.

Node is exposed as part of the root Query, where applications can query for entities with known ID in a convenient way, e.g. refetching, fetching fields that have not been fetched.

  node(id: ID!) {
    ... on User {
    ... on Company {
      owner: {

This provides the convenience of not having to define query point for every model you expose (e.g. message(messageId) or user(userId)). This also allows you to query for the object without transversing through an object path, example

  user {
    friends {
      pages {

// vs

  node(id) {
    ... on Page {


Like Node, Connection is also part of the Relay specs that made its way to mainstream adoption.

At first glance, the concept of edges seems superfluous but it does solve some tricky use case. Consider the need to expose a many-to-many relationship like 'friends', typically implemented in a database with a join table.

+---------+         +------------+
| users   |         | friends    |
+---------+         +------------+
| user_id | <------ | left_id    |
| ....    |    \--- | right_id   |
+---------+         | created_at |

It is now easy to display "Friends since [date here]" by exposing friends.created_at in the edge object.

  user {
    friends {
      edges {
        created_at  <---
        user {

edges essentially defines the relationship between nodes.

like image 118
Ivan Choo Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Ivan Choo