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Can You Build A Chrome Extension Using Django?

I am building a Chrome Extension for my team to input information that will store data as efficiently as possible. I know Chrome Extensions are built with JavaScript, but was wondering if I could use Django to build a Chrome Extension?

My plan would be to build the App using Django, and then host using AppEngine.

Thanks for the feedback! I was unable to find any Google results discussing developing Chrome Extensions using Django.


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Adam Hurwitz Avatar asked Mar 26 '14 16:03

Adam Hurwitz

People also ask

Can you create a Chrome extension using Python?

Chrome plugins are created using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. We can use Python to create normal Chrome extensions using a Python to Javascript compiler (Rapydscript).

Can you make your own Chrome extension?

A chrome extension is a program that is installed in the Chrome browser that enhances the functionality of the browser. You can build one easily using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Creating a chrome extension is similar to creating a web application, but it requires a manifest.

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Chrome extensions are built with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS scripts and are essentially small websites uploaded to the Chrome store.

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1 Answers

Like you said, the actual Chrome Extension will need to be built using JavaScript. However, you can always use anything you want as the back-end (Django, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, etc.). This would work just like a normal web app except that you replace the .html file that you send to a client's browser with the Chrome Extension. The Chrome Extension sends standard POST or XHR requests just like any web page, then Django processes the request and sends back a response which your Extension will consume in the request callback.

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Chris Del Guercio Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Chris Del Guercio