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Graph optimizations on a tensorflow serveable created using tf.Estimator


I have a simple classifier based on tf.estimator.DNNClassifier that takes text and output probabilities over an intent tags. I am able to train an export the model to a serveable as well as serve the serveable using tensorflow serving. The problem is this servable is too big (around 1GB) and so I wanted to try some tensorflow graph transforms to try to reduce the size of the files being served.


I understand how to take the saved_model.pb and use freeze_model.py to create a new .pb file that can be used to call transforms on. The result of these transforms (a .pb file as well) is not a servable and cannot be used with tensorflow serving.

How can a developer go from:

saved model -> graph transforms -> back to a servable

There's documentation that suggests that this is certainly possible, but its not at all intuitive from the docs as to how to do this.

What I've Tried:

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.saved_model import simple_save
from tensorflow.saved_model import signature_constants
from tensorflow.saved_model import tag_constants
from tensorflow.tools.graph_transforms import TransformGraph

with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess_meta:
    meta_graph_def = tf.saved_model.loader.load(

    graph_def = meta_graph_def.graph_def

    other_graph_def = TransformGraph(

    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        graph = tf.get_default_graph()
        in_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        out_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name(

        inputs = {"inputs": in_tensor}
        outputs = {"outputs": out_tensor}

        simple_save(sess_meta, "./new", inputs, outputs)

My idea was to load the servable, extract the graph_def from the meta_graph_def, transform the graph_def and then try to recreate the servable. This seems to be the incorrect approach.

Is there a way to successfully perform transforms (to reduce file size at inference) on a graph from an exported servable, and then recreate a servable with the transformed graph?


Update (2018-08-28):

Found contrib.meta_graph_transform() which looks promising.

Update (2018-12-03):

A related github issue I opened that seems to be resolved in a detailed blog post which is listed at the end of the ticket.

like image 747
o-90 Avatar asked Aug 22 '18 16:08


People also ask

What does TF estimator do?

Estimators provide the following benefits: You can run Estimator-based models on a local host or on a distributed multi-server environment without changing your model. Furthermore, you can run Estimator-based models on CPUs, GPUs, or TPUs without recoding your model.

What kind of estimator model does TensorFlow recommend using for classification?

It is recommended using pre-made Estimators when just getting started. To write a TensorFlow program based on pre-made Estimators, you must perform the following tasks: Create one or more input functions. Define the model's feature columns.

What is constant folding in TensorFlow?

Constant folding optimizer - Statically infers the value of tensors when possible by folding constant nodes in the graph and materializes the result using constants.

What is a TensorFlow graph?

TensorFlow uses graphs as the format for saved models when it exports them from Python. Graphs are also easily optimized, allowing the compiler to do transformations like: Statically infer the value of tensors by folding constant nodes in your computation ("constant folding").

1 Answers

We can optimize or reduce the size of a Tensorflow Model using the below mentioned methods:

  1. Freezing: Convert the variables stored in a checkpoint file of the SavedModel into constants stored directly in the model graph. This reduces the overall size of the model.

  2. Pruning: Strip unused nodes in the prediction path and the outputs of the graph, merging duplicate nodes, as well as cleaning other node ops like summary, identity, etc.

  3. Constant folding: Look for any sub-graphs within the model that always evaluate to constant expressions, and replace them with those constants. Folding batch norms: Fold the multiplications introduced in batch normalization into the weight multiplications of the previous layer.

  4. Quantization: Convert weights from floating point to lower precision, such as 16 or 8 bits.

Code for Freezing a Graph is mentioned below:

from tensorflow.python.tools import freeze_graph

output_graph_filename = os.path.join(saved_model_dir, output_filename)
initializer_nodes = ''

      saved_model_tags = tag_constants.SERVING,
      input_graph=None, input_saver=False, input_binary=False, 
      input_checkpoint=None, restore_op_name=None, filename_tensor_name=None,
      clear_devices=False, input_meta_graph=False)

Code for Pruning and Constant Folding is mentioned below:

from tensorflow.tools.graph_transforms import TransformGraph

def get_graph_def_from_file(graph_filepath):
  with ops.Graph().as_default():
    with tf.gfile.GFile(graph_filepath, 'rb') as f:
      graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
      return graph_def

def optimize_graph(model_dir, graph_filename, transforms, output_node):
  input_names = []
  output_names = [output_node]
  if graph_filename is None:
    graph_def = get_graph_def_from_saved_model(model_dir)
    graph_def = get_graph_def_from_file(os.path.join(model_dir, 
  optimized_graph_def = TransformGraph(graph_def, input_names,      
      output_names, transforms)
  tf.train.write_graph(optimized_graph_def, logdir=model_dir, as_text=False, 
  print('Graph optimized!')

We call the code on our model by passing a list of the desired optimizations, like so:

transforms = ['remove_nodes(op=Identity)', 'merge_duplicate_nodes',

optimize_graph(saved_model_dir, "frozen_model.pb" , transforms, 'head/predictions/class_ids')

Code for Quantization is mentioned below:

transforms = ['quantize_nodes', 'quantize_weights',]
optimize_graph(saved_model_dir, None, transforms, 'head/predictions/class_ids')

Once the Optimizations are applied, we need to convert the Optimized Graph back to GraphDef. Code for that is shown below:

def convert_graph_def_to_saved_model(export_dir, graph_filepath):
  if tf.gfile.Exists(export_dir):
  graph_def = get_graph_def_from_file(graph_filepath)
  with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as session:
    tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
            node.name: session.graph.get_tensor_by_name(
            for node in graph_def.node if node.op=='Placeholder'},
        outputs={'class_ids': session.graph.get_tensor_by_name(
    print('Optimized graph converted to SavedModel!')

Example Code is shown below:

optimized_export_dir = os.path.join(export_dir, 'optimized')
optimized_filepath = os.path.join(saved_model_dir, 'optimized_model.pb')
convert_graph_def_to_saved_model(optimized_export_dir, optimized_filepath)

For more information, refer the below link, which was mentioned by @gobrewers14:


like image 106
RakTheGeek Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
