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is there any timeout value for socket.gethostbyname(hostname) in python?




I'm translating hostname to IPv4 address using gethostbyname() of socket in python. Sometimes it takes little extra time to show the IP address. I was wondering if there is any default timeout value for each lookup. Here's how i'm using socket in my program-

    addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
except socket.gaierror:
    addr = "" 
print hostname+" : "+addr

Just need to add another question, is there any chance that this can miss any IP address? Anyone had any experience converting large sample of hostname to IP address?

like image 248
saz Avatar asked Dec 05 '14 20:12


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DESCRIPTION. Given the name of a host, gethostbyname returns a pointer to the hostent structure containing the host's IP address and other information. Refer to <netdb. h> for details on the hostent structure. This structure is typically used to find the previous address of the host via the h_addr field.

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Python code to get a hostname using the socket module Python socket module has a function named gethostname (), using which we can easily find the hostname of a given machine. Syntax – socket.gethostname () The gethostname () doesn’t accept any parameters, but it returns the current hostname of the machine in string format.

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1 Answers

Here is the entire Socket time out file.

import socket

except AttributeError:

As you can see, GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = object() is a just creating an empty object.

socket.setsocketimeout will set the default timeout for new sockets, however if you're not using the sockets directly, the setting can be easily overwritten.

For more, see this answer.

EDIT: As for your follow up question, yes. I made a program that involved host name to IP address conversion, and I did have issues with it missing addresses. Not sure if this was because of a timeout. I just had to double check.

like image 192
David Greydanus Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

David Greydanus