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Graph in WPF using graph# isn't drawn as a chain

I'm using WPF with graph# library and I'm trying to to draw a graph as a linear chain, so I defined some vertices and the edges joining them as

new Edge<object>(vertices[i], vertices[i+1]) 

But the problem is that the resulting graph isn't drawn as expected, it's like the following:

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1-> 4

In other words, vertex 3 is passing through vertex 1 to reach vertex 4.

Here's the code of the drawing method

private void CreateGraphToVisualize() {     var g = new BidirectionalGraph<object, IEdge<object>>();      // add the vertices to the graph     string[] vertices = new string[5];     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)     {         vertices[i] = i.ToString();         g.AddVertex(vertices[i]);     }      // add edges to the graph     g.AddEdge(new Edge<object>(vertices[0], vertices[1]));     g.AddEdge(new Edge<object>(vertices[1], vertices[2]));     g.AddEdge(new Edge<object>(vertices[2], vertices[3]));     g.AddEdge(new Edge<object>(vertices[3], vertices[4]));      GraphToVisualize = g; } 

And here's a part of the xaml code related to graph#

<DockPanel Grid.Row="2" Margin="10,10,13,10">     <zoom:ZoomControl>         <graphsharp:GraphLayout x:Name="graphLayout"                             Graph="{Binding ElementName=root,Path=GraphToVisualize}"                              LayoutAlgorithmType="FR"                              OverlapRemovalAlgorithmType="FSA"                             HighlightAlgorithmType="Simple"/>     </zoom:ZoomControl> </DockPanel> 
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Luna28 Avatar asked Apr 15 '12 07:04


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1 Answers

I've tried this code and from what I can see there's nothing wrong with it. It may be that some library-references are out of sync (QuickGraph-GraphSharp). I recompiled the Graph#-Controls and fit it all together in the one solution. I removed the Binding in XAML and loaded the graph in the constructor of MainWindow.

The resulting graph that I get from the code is: 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3-> 4 and not: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1-> 4. You can download the full source-code here to see for yourself.

Further References

  • QuickGraph, Graph Data Structures And Algorithms for .NET
  • Graph#
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pdvries Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
