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Grafana Code Debugging





I am newbie to Grafana, I have installed Grafana and did all the instructions given in the read me file. I'm using Visual Code for go lang now I just want to debug the Grafana code so that I can understand the process.

Can any one suggest me what I have to do. I have heard of debugger called Delve. Can any one tell me how to use it because when I use Delve it says that there is no build-able source files in the location.

I Have followed following Links : https://github.com/grafana/grafana , https://github.com/derekparker/delve

like image 574
Sai Chaitanya Avatar asked Jul 05 '16 04:07

Sai Chaitanya

1 Answers

The grafana-server main.go file is not located in the root directory. Try cd pkg/cmd/grafana-server and start from there.

like image 178
Carl Bergquist Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Carl Bergquist