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Gradle javaexec task is ignoring jvmargs

I am trying to run my app using a Gradle javaexec task. However, jvmargs and args are not passed to the command execution. Why?

task runArgoDev(type: JavaExec) {
    main = "org.app.ArgoDevRunner"
    classpath = configurations.testRuntime
    project.ext.jvmargs = ['-Xdock:name=Argo', '-Xmx512m', '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8', '-Dapple.awt.textantialiasing=on', '-ea']
    project.ext.args = ['-initParameter', 'implicit-scrollpane-support=true']


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user3531297 Avatar asked Apr 14 '14 09:04


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2 Answers

Above code doesn't have the desired effect because it sets extra properties on the project object, instead of configuring the task. Correct is jvmArgs = ... and args = .... (It's also possible to omit =, [, and ].)

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Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Peter Niederwieser

Here is example, to pass program args and jvmargs to run task in gradle.

run {
    args 'server', 'test.yml'
    jvmArgs '-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005'
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Hrishikesh Mishra Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Hrishikesh Mishra