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Gradle equivalent of maven-dependency-plugin

My root problem is that when running "spring-test"-based tests for my controllers and Freemarker views I need to have all taglibs inside WEB-INF/lib folder - otherwise freemarker will not find them during tests. I solved this issue with the following piece of maven configuration. It actually copies taglibs jars to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib folder before running tests. I don't want to clear this folder since the problem is the same when running this test for the IDE.

    <!-- Freemaarker requires that all taglibs should reside in WEB-INF/lib folder -->

Now I'm migrating my project to gradle. How can I achieve the same with gradle?

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Ivan Sopov Avatar asked May 19 '13 16:05

Ivan Sopov

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To convert Maven to Gradle, the only step is to run gradle init in the directory containing the POM. This will convert the Maven build to a Gradle build, generating a settings. gradle file and one or more build. gradle files.

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you can call gradle publishToLocalRepo in its folder, you will find in the build/publications/maven subfolder, a file called pom-default. xml. Also, the built JAR together with the POM will be in your Maven local repo.

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Gradle's performance advantages A Gradle task is the equivalent of a Maven goal. Just a unit of work to get executed in the build. Gradle keeps track of each task's inputs and outputs. Only when these change does the task get rerun.

1 Answers

Here is how I solved this problem (the same as in maven actually):

Add another configuration for dependencies:

configurations { 
    taglibs { transitive = false }

Add needed dependency to this configuration:

dependencies {
    taglibs "org.springframework.security:spring-security-taglibs:$springSecurityVersion"

Add gradle code to copy these dependencies to required folder:

task copytaglibs(type: Copy) { 
    from configurations.taglibs
    into 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib'

compileTestJava {
   dependsOn copytaglibs

This is it.

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Ivan Sopov Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 06:11

Ivan Sopov