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gradle: Android Studio inherit buildtype

I have in gradle (Android Studio) 4 build types

android {   buildTypes {      release { ... }      debug { ... }      kindle { ... }      kindle_debug { ... }   } } 

And I know, that my src folder can have for each build type one folder. So it ends up into

 src/   -- debug   -- kindle   -- kindle_debug   -- main // used for every project   -- release 

At the moment kindle is the same as release and kindle_debug is the same as debug.

How can I avoid to duplicate the src-folders? Is there a way to inherit from release and debug or have I to set the src-folders by myself in the build.gradle file?

Edit: One solution, that seems to work, is to set symlinks, but I want to use Mac OS and Windows OS and not every new user wants to set symlinks by them self.

Edit 2: I use now product flavors, because of that, I can have debug/release and with that google, amazon and samsung. That's the best solution for my purpose.

like image 872
mars3142 Avatar asked May 09 '14 08:05


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2 Answers

You can inherit from build types like the following:

buildTypes {      release { ... }      debug { ... }       kindle {          initWith buildTypes.release          ...      }      kindle_debug {          initWith buildTypes.debug          ...      }   } 
like image 172
Marco RS Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Marco RS

The answer may be a little late, but I had a similar problem and managed to solve this by doing the following:

android {     sourceSets {         kindle {             java.srcDirs = ["src/release/java", "src/main/java"]         }         kindle_debug {             java.srcDirs = ["src/debug/java", "src/main/java"]         }     } } 

If you add this to your build.gradle file, the kindle build type will only use java files from release and main folder and the kindle_debug build type will use debug and release folder.

Of course you could add the kindle folder or the kindle_debug folder:

java.srcDirs = ["src/kindle/java", "src/release/java", "src/main/java"] java.srcDirs = ["src/kindle_debug/java", "src/debug/java", "src/main/java"] 

but you may run into duplicate class errors.

like image 44
Patrick Dorn Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Patrick Dorn