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Google's oauth2 endpoint - v1 vs v2 changes?

I know that this is something like a 'RTFM' question, but I can't for the life of me find solid documentation about this.

Specifically, I have a service that uses google's oauth2 REST api to authenticate users. The library I'm using (bell), recently started making calls to the /v2 version of the API endpoint. Those calls no longer seem to support approval_prompt=force in the querystring (or something along those lines, I'm no longer able to use a special route to force a new refresh token).

Realistically, all I need to do is read the documentation for what changed from v1 to v2 of the oauth2 library, or even find v2-specific information. All the documentation on developers.google.com seems to be about the v1 api.

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pfooti Avatar asked Oct 14 '15 23:10


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1 Answers

There is no documented list of changes at present. The main changes from/auth to v2/auth, and v3/token to v4/token is that the newer versions are certified compliant with OpenID Connect. The earlier versions had a few inconsistencies with the spec, mostly because when Google launched them the spec was not yet final.

approval_prompt is now prompt. To get your approval_prompt=force behavior on the newer endpoint, specify prompt=consent. Other values for the prompt parameter are defined in section of the spec.

Other changes, in no particular order:

  1. the ID Token iss value is now https://accounts.google.com, was accounts.google.com
  2. nonce is required for implicit and hybrid flows
  3. ID tokens on the newer endpoints may contain profile claims (if the profile scope was requested), saving a call to userinfo.
like image 55
William Denniss Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

William Denniss