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Google Spreadsheet script: debug icon disabled

This is my first attempt at creating a google spreadsheet script. I am following this tutorial: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/articles/docslist_tutorial#section2

I can't get the csv to load and I'm attempting to debug.

I found a blog entry that says this:

...you can set a breakpoint on any line of code, just by clicking on the line number. Then, simply run the script using the 'bug' toolbar icon instead of the usual 'play' button, and the script will run only as far as the first breakpoint.

However, the debug icon button in the toolbar is grayed out.

Any suggestions as to how I might enable this? A google search has turned up nothing. I am using Google Chrome Version 26.0.1410.43.

like image 819
brl8 Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 20:04


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To run the script in debug mode, at the top of the editor click Debug. Before the script runs the line with the breakpoint it pauses and displays a table of debug information. You can use this table to inspect data like the values of parameters and the information stored in objects.

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Currently, you must go to script.google.com , go to "My Projects" and find the project (google sheet) to which the script is connected, press the 3dots at the dots at the end of the line, and select "Delete forever". Done.

1 Answers

select a function in the dropdown list

enter image description here

like image 199
Serge insas Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 13:09

Serge insas