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Google sheets duration to seconds

People also ask

How do you convert time to seconds?

Multiply the hours by 60 to convert it to minutes, i.e., 1 hr × 60 = 60 minutes . Multiply the minutes by 60 to obtain the number of seconds, i.e., 60 minutes × 60 = 3600 seconds .

How do I use duration in Google Sheets?

The duration between two times is easy to find in Google Sheets. Just minus one time from another and apply the Duration number format > number > duration.

How do I convert time to seconds in Excel?

Because each hour can be represented as 1/24, you can convert an Excel time into decimal hours by multiplying the value by 24, convert to decimal minutes by multiplying the value by 1440 (24 * 60) , and convert to seconds by multiplying by 86400 (24 * 60 * 60). The Excel time 6:00 converts to 21,600 seconds.

To convert duration to an integer expressing the number of seconds, use a formula such as


Time values are recorded so that 1 is one day. Multiplying by 24 (hours/day) and 3600 (seconds/hour) converts that to seconds. Then value makes it a number rather than duration.

Old answer, about formatting only.

You don't need any formulas to format duration as the number of seconds.

  1. Go to Format > Number > More formats > More data and time formats
  2. Delete the pre-filled format fields and add "Elapsed seconds" from the dropdown menu.

I have found this solution:

let the cell A1 filled with duration like 1:22:33, than formula


will do the trick.

For example, 1:01:01 -> 3661

=HOUR(A1) will NOT work if your hours in the duration is > 24 of course. So the last example is not correct.

What will work is the following.

Given: A duration in hours and minutes. eg 225:04 or 9:20 or 62:35 Format must be set as this (Elapsed hours:minutes)

=INDEX(SPLIT(A1, ":"), 0, 1)*60 + INDEX(SPLIT(A1, ":"), 0, 2)