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Google play services returning a token signed with a non-Google key

I have an Android client getting an authentication token from Google Play Services, by using GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(Context context, Account account, String scope).

This is then sent to a backend (Go) server, which checks that the token was signed by one of the Google signing certificates from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/cert. To do this, it needs to look up the certificate assigned to the "kid" in the token header.

99% of the time, this works just fine, but I have regular situations where the "kid" given does not correspond to any published Google certificates, and so I can't auth the token.


I've added extensive logging on the server to try and track this down, and there are some relationships worth noting:

  1. Any given invalid kid is only used for a single user. I often see multiple requests over several days from the same user with a given invalid kid, but only ever from that user.
  2. A user giving an invalid kid never uses a valid kid for any request, or any other kid for a request, even if they are days apart. Afaik Google cycles their certificates every 24 hours or so.
  3. Many users are using older client versions. Most users upgrade within a day or two of a new version being released, but the majority of users with invalid certificate keys use versions that are a few weeks old.
  4. The requests come from an even spread around the globe in line with our user base.
  5. The requests come from a spread of times, in line with our user base.
  6. The requests come from a range of devices, manufacturers, and models.

My current thoughts are that it's probably from users who have downloaded the APK from a site other than Google Play, but I have no way of verifying this right now.

Edit: There is an issue tracker for this, but it seems that it has been marked as a low priority. If anyone has this issue, please let it be know on the tracker. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37734997

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JohnGB Avatar asked Apr 26 '17 08:04


1 Answers

A bit late, but for anyone experiencing the same, I would suggest to check the Installer of your app.

Using PackageManager.getInstallerPackageName()

getInstallerPackageName (String packageName) Retrieve the package name of the application that installed a package. This identifies which market the package came from

If the value is "com.android.vending" then the app was installed from the Play Store otherwise handle the other vendors.

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113408 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10