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Check date with todays date





I have written some code to check two dates, a start date and an end date. If the end date is before the start date, it will give a prompt that says the end date is before start date.

I also want to add a check for if the start date is before today (today as in the day of which the user uses the application) How would I do this? ( Date checker code below, also all this is written for android if that has any bearing)

if (startYear > endYear) {     fill = fill + 1;     message = message + "End Date is Before Start Date" + "\n"; } else if (startMonth > endMonth && startYear >= endYear) {     fill = fill + 1;     message = message + "End Date is Before Start Date" + "\n"; } else if (startDay > endDay && startMonth >= endMonth && startYear >= endYear) {     fill = fill + 1;     message = message + "End Date is Before Start Date" + "\n"; } 
like image 911
Zaask Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 15:06


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1 Answers

Don't complicate it that much. Use this easy way. Import DateUtils java class and call the following methods which returns a boolean.

DateUtils.isSameDay(date1,date2); DateUtils.isSameDay(calender1,calender2); DateUtils.isToday(date1); 

For more info refer this article DateUtils Java

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Kishath Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
