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Google PageSpeed - Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources Above the Fold caused from Google Fonts

People also ask

How do I get rid of render blocking resources without plugins?

How do I eliminate render-blocking resources without a WordPress plugin? Without a WordPress plugin, you will need to defer JavaScript, generate critical CSS, and inline CSS manually. You should also host fonts locally and preload them.

You can preload any styles (including google fonts)


You can read more on web.dev


Base on Lucas Vazquez comment I've also added &display=swap (which fixes this issue "Ensure text remains visible during webfont load")

You can take advantage of the onload attribute like this -


Set the media attribute to print at first, but change it to all when the download callback fires.

You question boils down how to include less critical CSS asynchronously. I recommend to read this article.

Its similar to Claudiu's answer however, it is recommended in the article not to use preload, because of this:

First, browser support for preload is still not great, so a polyfill (such as the one loadCSS provides) is necessary if you want to rely on it to fetch and apply a stylesheet across browsers. More importantly though, preload fetches files very early, at the highest priority, potentially deprioritizing other important downloads, and that may be higher priority than you actually need for non-critical CSS

Here is the alternative:


This is how it works. The attribute media=print will skip the css on page rendering. Once the page has loaded, it will load the print css. The onload JS event changes the media to all, now the font will be loaded and change the page rendering. Most importantly, the font will no longer render-block your page.

For the edge case, that a user has js disabled, the "noscript" tag will load the font directly.

I noticed that Laravel added this tag to its html head output recently:

<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com">

I copied it and added it before my font request, i.e:

<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" id="google-fonts-css">

This simple tag took me from a Mobile Pagespeed score of 80 up to 95, but I can't be entirely sure that it was in fact the tag I have to thank for this score increase - PageSpeed is unpredicatable. I'm not sure if it's just a Chrome thing or a new standard.