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google_osconfig's CPU usage of VM on Google Cloud Platform increases steadily

I have been used google cloud platform to offer the services to clients. A few days ago, I found the problem that the CPU usage of VM keeps increasing continuously. For uncovering the reason of this problem, I made the empty(or new) VMs to watch their status, and these new VMs also keeps increasing their CPU usages.

enter image description here

I used "top" command to know which process takes CPU resources, and the result makes me shocked. "google_osconfig" keeps consuming CPU resources, and it is eating more and more like pigs.

enter image description here

what is "google_osconfig", and is there anyone who know to solve this problem?

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I restarted google-osconfig-agent to make it release its CPU usage. After using "service google-osconfig-agent restart", the CPU usage decreased.

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user3741031 Avatar asked Oct 14 '20 00:10


People also ask

What VM does Google Cloud use?

Accelerator-optimized machines are based on the NVIDIA Ampere A100 Tensor Core GPU. Each A100 GPU offers up to 20x the compute performance compared to the previous generation GPU. These VMs are designed for your most demanding workloads such as machine learning and high performance computing.

What processor does Google Cloud use?

Tau T2A machine series is the first machine series in Google Cloud to run on Arm processors. The Arm architecture is optimized for power efficiency and as a result, the Tau T2A machine series yields better price for performance. Each VM can have up to 48 vCPUs with 4 GB of memory per vCPU.

What is vCPU in Google Cloud?

For all processors available on Compute Engine, a single CPU core can run as multiple hardware multithreads through Simultaneous multithreading (SMT), which is known on Intel processors as Intel Hyper-Threading Technology. On Compute Engine, each hardware multithread is called a virtual CPU (vCPU).

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1 Answers

google_osconfig It is part of the VM Manager, this definition is in the documentation

VM Manager is a suite of tools that can be used to manage operating systems for large virtual machine (VM) fleets running Windows and Linux on Compute Engine.

The following services are available as part of the VM Manager suite:

  • OS inventory management: osinventory
  • OS patch management: tasks
  • OS configuration management: guestpolicies

The OS Config agent is installed by default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Debian, CentOS, and Windows images that have a build date of v20200114 or later.

You could check the status of this service with the following command:

sudo systemctl status google-osconfig-agent

If it was a problem with some subprocess that started the CPU consumptions the restart you made will fix it.

But it might a problem with the service, maybe the version you are using has a problem, you could consider updating the OS Config agent.

To update the agent on CentOS and RHEL operating systems, run the following command:

sudo yum update google-osconfig-agent

To update the agent on Debian and Ubuntu operating systems, run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install google-osconfig-agent
sudo service google-osconfig-agent restart
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Jose Luis Delgadillo Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 07:09

Jose Luis Delgadillo