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Google Maps Tile URL for HYBRID mapType tiles?

I have found a basic URL structure for regular map tiles:


What would be the URL structure to grab HYBRID map tiles from Google?

I don't know why I can't find this information; it seems like it should be easy to find.

Am I missing something simple? .

I have been messing with the lyrs parameter, and I think that may be part of it. When pasting the above URL in a browser, Ive tried lyrs=r, lyrs=h,lyrs=t and they give different tiles.

The closest I have come now is trying lyrs=s. It results in a Satellite tile being returned; but I do not know what I should put in for a HYBRID result.

Maybe I am going about this all wrong.

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Douglas.Sesar Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 16:04


People also ask

What is a tile URL?

Tile URL templates are strings that specify the URLs of the vector tiles or raster tile images to load. A template resembles an absolute URL, but with any number of placeholder strings that the source evaluates based on the tile it needs to load.

What is Google Hybrid maps?

News on the Google Blog about a new “view” available from Google Maps. Now, along with “map” and “satellite” views, you'll find a “hybrid” view that overlays map data (street names for example) on top of satellite/aerial imagery. Hybrid view is available for the US, Canada, UK, and Japan. Cool and very useful.

3 Answers

For anyone who wants to save some time while looking for specific tile types:

  • h = roads only
  • m = standard roadmap
  • p = terrain
  • r = somehow altered roadmap
  • s = satellite only
  • t = terrain only
  • y = hybrid
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volzo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


You need an instance from the google map js class and an anonymous function then you can set the map object to give hybrid tiles:How to get your image URL tiles? (google maps). Or maybe it's lyrs=y:http://www.neongeo.com/wiki/doku.php?id=map_servers.

TRY: http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x=1325&y=3143&z=13

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Micromega Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


Hybrid Maps URL:

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Carlos Alvarez Rozas Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Carlos Alvarez Rozas