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Google Map icons with VisualRefresh [closed]

How can I use the "new" default icons for Google maps when using VisualRefresh setting?

The default icon is: http://mt.googleapis.com/vt/icon/name=icons/spotlight/spotlight-poi.png&scale=1

Former addresses looked like this: http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/marker_green.png, but using the new and old icons in the same map doesn't look good.

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leochab Avatar asked Jul 19 '13 13:07


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What are the symbols used in Google Maps?

These symbols have the following properties − path, fillColor, fillOpacity, scale, stokeColor, strokeOpacity, and strokeWeight.

What is the new icon on Google Maps?

First, here's the new icon. It's a simple, Google-branded pin which replaces the old map intersection icon.

What do the colors and symbols mean on Google Maps?

The color code shows you the speed of traffic on the road. Green: No traffic delays. Orange: Medium amount of traffic. Red: Traffic delays. The darker the red, the slower the speed of traffic on the road.

How do I hide symbols on Google Maps?

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map and Scroll down to the 'Infowindow Settings' section. Step 2 Enable the box of 'Hide Markers on Page Load' option. Step 3 Click on Save Map and open it in browser.

1 Answers

I don't have an official list, but did do some research.


Use that URL and you can easily change the text, size,font and color to your preference,
however the color parameter will only change the color of the text. but if you change waypoint-b.png to waypoint-a.png you get a green marker.

Icon list:
















Look at the URLs and notice the L which can also be S or M, notice the _v_ and _search_ in the names.
At the transit icons you can change large to tiny, mini, and small.

There is probably more. but thats all I have found so far.

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285 revs, 3 users 71% Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

285 revs, 3 users 71%