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Google Maps : How to open an InfoWindow by hovering a link?

I have on my page a map on the left with about 40 points and the list of these 40 points on the right. So you know, when you click on a point on the map, the "info window" is displayed where you can see some information about it. I can't find how I can simply open the "info window" on the map by making a "hover" on the corresponding link, and consequently close all the other info windows.

Does anybody have an idea about this?

like image 691
helloholahi Avatar asked May 04 '10 15:05


1 Answers

All you have to is simply bind mouseover event into your marker and then info balloon will appear.

GEvent.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function() {

There is an example page here
Also know that for better explanation of how map coding works on google always check the documentation first.


Hope this helps

like image 74
Myra Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
