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Google Maps Android, detect user interation in a location aware map

I've an Android Application that displays a map. The map is by default centered on the user position following its movements (the center is updated according to the position updates).

However I want the user to be able to use gestures to navigate throw the map. When the user starts the navigation I want the "following" to stop, and a button is displayed so that it can start again.

How can I know when the user has moved the map center? On the GoogleMap.OnCameraChangeListener, I don't know if the change is due to a location changed or a user interaction. I've a a kind of working solution using the OnCameraChangeListener, but its a bit "dirty" and I don't find it very nice:

map.setOnCameraChangeListener(new GoogleMap.OnCameraChangeListener() {
        public void onCameraChange(CameraPosition position) {
                            // gpsPosition contains the last position obtained
            if(isFollowing && gpsPosition!=null && (Math.abs(position.target.latitude - gpsPosition.latitude)>0.000001 || Math.abs(position.target.longitude - gpsPosition.longitude)>0.000001) ){
                isFollowing = false;


Is there a nice Solution to the problem?

like image 909
Mateu Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 13:11


1 Answers

If you want to detect user interacting with the map OnCameraChangeListener is surely too late to do that. It may be called seconds after user started interacting with the map.

What you need to do, is add 2 other listeners:

  • OnMyLocationButtonClickListener - to know when to start tracking (set your isFollowing to true)
  • OnMyLocationChangeListener - when your isFollowing is true, call GoogleMap.animateCamera to the new position

So the only thing left is when you set isFollowing to false:

Create an invisible overlay in your layout (like here, but with normal View instead of custom) and assign this overlay (the View) an OnTouchListener (ok, it is 3rd, I lied that you need only 2).

In this listener always return false, but also set isFollowing to false. This when when user starts interacting with the map and you should stop automated camera movements.

I also see you are showing and hiding my location button, so do this where you change the value of isFollowing. Btw.: good idea to do that. I'll try it too.

like image 169
MaciejGórski Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
