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Google drive download whole folder content with google drive viewer (google apps-script)

I have created an google script which go to my mail and fetch attachments and put it into a folder (shared as anyone with link), and share the link to folder with any given email. But when others open that folder with link it open in google drive viewer(online). Have to open each and every file to download. Is there any way I can let them download whole batch in much more less stressing way? I have tried out creating a folder (lets say folderchild) inside that folder(folderparent) then put all files in folderchild. But still same problem. Have to open that folderchild and open files in there and download them one by one. Zipping attachment is not an option for my solution. Any advices? Thanks in advance.

like image 692
Lolitha Ratnayake Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 16:07

Lolitha Ratnayake

Video Answer

1 Answers

They should regress to their own drive, choose the "Shared with Me" option, tick the required folder and use the "More" -> "download" option to download all the content in a zip file

like image 176
naama Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
