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Google Analytics - how to tell if users connects via wifi or cell?

Is there a way to tell in Google Analytics if a user's session was via wifi or cellular?

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stopshinal Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 15:04


1 Answers


Google Analytics will not explicitly tell you whether or not a device is on wifi. If your site has relatively low levels of traffic, a crude way to estimate the number of mobile visits via wifi and 3G would be to use the domain variable that is passed by the visitors ISP.

If a device is on 3G, it's domain will show up as "mycingular.net" "myvzw.com" and other domains that mobile cell companies provide for their 3G (and 2G, 4G, LTE, etc) networks. If the device is on wifi, the domain will show up as "rr.com" "comcast.net" "sbcglobal.net" or whatever the domain is of the wireless network they are connected to. Depending upon your level of traffic, there may be too many domains to sort through to find out the exact number of visits on wifi or 3G. Also, some domains may not be clear cut wifi or 3G (example: AT&T is a cellular and internet provider).

To see how many domains you would need to sort through, enable the "Mobile" advanced segment, navigate to Audience-->Mobile-->Overview, and set the secondary dimension as domain. The number of rows is equal to the number of unique domains.


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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Robert Harvey