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Google analytics does not show Event Label in real-time?

I am using the following code to send GA events:

Tracker t = ((AnalyticsHelper) getApplication()).getTracker(AnalyticsHelper.TrackerName.APP_TRACKER);                 t.send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder()                         .setCategory("XX")                         .setAction("XX")                         .setLabel("XX")                         .build()); 

But on google analytics report webpage -> Real Time, it only shows the Category and Action. The Label is missing. Is Label ignored by real-time reporting? Do I need to wait for one day for the Label to show up?

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jiawen Avatar asked Jan 30 '15 03:01


People also ask

Why is Google Analytics not showing real time data?

If you don't see any data at all in your Real-Time reports, the most likely cause is either in the Google Analytics tracking code or GA/GTM misconfiguration. You should check your tags in Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics filters, and also use browser extensions for debugging.

How long does it take for an event to show in Google Analytics?

You'll need to wait 24-48 hours after setting up your Google Analytics property to see your data. While you're waiting, you can verify your tracking code is doing its job by checking your real-time reports and debug view or looking at your website source code.

1 Answers

As @stkent answered, you have to click on the category to see the labels.

But also, make sure there are no extra filters added unintentionally

enter image description here

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Shrage Smilowitz Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10

Shrage Smilowitz