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Google Analytics - Multiple Trackers for Several Accounts?

Maybe I'm going about this wrong, but I'm hoping I can get some insight. I develop for multiple clients nationwide. I track many of my sites using my personal/development Analytics account that tracks all the domains/profiles I work on. However, I now have marketing folks jumping into the fray, all wanting their own GA trackers installed (and some other 3rd party trackers but that's irrelevant... I think?) that are associated to their own accounts.

So, I've seen some discussion regarding entering multiple trackers into the code (and the possibility of corrupt cookies and data). Simply, is there a better way I could be going about this? I'd prefer to keep them out of my account, this way if any relationships go sour historical data can be preserved.

Am I missing something?


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SilentBobSC Avatar asked Aug 12 '09 07:08


People also ask

Can you have multiple accounts on Google Analytics?

You might also set up different Analytics accounts for different groups or stakeholders. For example, if you administer Analytics tracking for two companies, you would set up a separate Analytics account for the websites owned by each company.

Do I need a separate Google Analytics account for each website?

Khris Steven of Khrisdigital adds, “In using Google Analytics for multiple domains or websites, you have to create a new account in your existing Analytics account from the Account column. Here are a few tips to follow: Make sure you enter an Account Name different from the one you have already.

2 Answers

It's possible to have multiple trackers on one site, for example like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var trackerA = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X");
var trackerB = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X");

Another option is to link multiple Google accounts to a single Google Analytics account (using the User Manager -link in the GA account overview).

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kari Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


Now made easy with the new asynchronous tracking code. :)


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Paul Thompson Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Paul Thompson