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Good tool to visualise database schema? [closed]

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What tool do database designers use?

#1) Visual Paradigm ERD Tools This is the top-most Database Design tool that helps in designing of the database by following a powerful approach of Entity Relationship Diagram Tools (ERD). ERD is the baseline of any database.

Is draw SQL free?

Pricing: Free for one user, public diagrams, and 15 tables/diagrams. From $15 for private diagrams and more tables. DrawSQL is a web-based app specifically for entity-relationship diagrams..

I found SchemaSpy quite good - you have to run the script every time schema changes but it is not so big deal.

As pointed out in the comments there is also a GUI for it.

Another nice tool is SchemaCrawler.

I usually use SchemaSpy to do this, but recently I found a really simple article on sqlfairy that just uses the dump file to create the structure graph

I like this tool, called simply DbSchema. It's written in Java so it runs on OS X, Windows, or Linux. It's a little clunky, especially when it comes to printing, but from my experience they're all like that. This one is the best of the several I've tried. It makes nice, clear diagrams. Free trial. Costs about $120 depending on how many licenses you buy.

on Mac OS X you can use Sequel Pro