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Is there a way to "limit" the result with ELOQUENT ORM of Laravel?

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How do I limit data in Laravel?

Laravel limit accepts one parameter as count( number of count). Model::limit(10); //or \DB::table('table_name')->limit(10); In the above syntax we have used 1 examples to show possibilities to use limit function in laravel. Also we can use offset function in laravel to define the starting point in query to limit.

How can I limit collection in Laravel?

Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. $data->offset(0)->limit(5)->get();

What is offset in Laravel?

Limit and offset in Laravel is used to paginate records or get the number of records from the table from an offset. In this example, you will see how to use/ set the limit and offset in Laravel Framework. $condition=[]; $offset=0 // start row index.

What is the difference between query builder and eloquent ORM?

Eloquent ORM is best suited working with fewer data in a particular table. On the other side, query builder takes less time to handle numerous data whether in one or more tables faster than Eloquent ORM. In my case, I use ELoquent ORM in an application with tables that will hold less than 17500 entries.

Create a Game model which extends Eloquent and use this:


take() here will get 30 records and skip() here will offset to 30 records.

In recent Laravel versions you can also use:


We can use LIMIT like bellow:


If you're looking to paginate results, use the integrated paginator, it works great!

$games = Game::paginate(30);
// $games->results = the 30 you asked for
// $games->links() = the links to next, previous, etc pages