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Golang - Unit test for parse yaml file and check objects




I want to test parse of yaml and test it via unit test I’ve create structs that with appropriate types but the assertion is always falid, I try with the following code which failed constantly

This is the yaml content which is valid (maybe with the copy it changed but I was able to parse it correctly)

ID: demo
version: 0.0.5

 - name: db
   path: mtb
    - name: vi_db

 - name: srv
   path: srv1
     LOG_LEVEL: "info"

     mem: 12G
     - name: db

This is the test I was created

    func Test_parseFile(t *testing.T) {

        yamlfile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./testdata/file.yaml")

        type Properties map[string]string
        type Parameters map[string]interface{}

        type Modules struct {
            Name string
            Path string `yaml:"path,omitempty"`
            Requires   []Requires `yaml:"requires,omitempty"`
            Properties Properties `yaml:"properties,omitempty"`

   type Requires struct {
      Name       string     `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
      Properties Properties `yaml:"properties,omitempty"`

    type args struct {
        contentFile []byte

     tests := []struct {
            name        string
            args        args
            wantOut     Properties
            wantNoTests bool
            wantErr     bool
                name: "test",
                args: args{
                    contentFile: yamlfile,

                wantOut: Modules{
                    Name: "srv",
                    Path: "srv1",

                        "LOG_LEVEL":       "info",
                        "DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL": "ALL",
                    Requires: {
                        name: "db",
                            "CONFIG": '[tomcontext.xml:
                            {"service_nameDB" : "~{con-name}"}]'   

                wantNoTests: true,
                wantErr:     true,

This is the assertion code

for _, tt := range tests {
        t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {

            gotOut := ParseFile(tt.args.contentFile)

            if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotOut.Modules[1], tt.wantOut) {

                t.Errorf("parseFile() = %v, want %v", gotOut.Modules[2], tt.wantOut)

The error is :

parseFile() = map[], want map[LOG_LEVEL:info DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL:ALL]

How should I overcome it to check the module properties ?

The ParseFile method is just err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(yamlFile), &yamlconent)

like image 276
07_05_GuyT Avatar asked Mar 08 '18 20:03


1 Answers

I'm not entirely certain what the question is but I managed to get your test to work like this:

package sandbox

import (


type Properties map[string]string
type Parameters map[string]interface{}

type Requires struct {
    Name       string     `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
    Properties Properties `yaml:"properties,omitempty"`

type Module struct {
    Name       string
    Path       string     `yaml:"path,omitempty"`
    Requires   []Requires `yaml:"requires,omitempty"`
    Properties Properties `yaml:"properties,omitempty"`
    Parameters Parameters `yaml:"parameters,omitempty"`

type File struct {
    Modules []Module

func Test_ParseFile(t *testing.T) {
    input := []byte(`ID: demo
version: 0.0.5

 - name: db
   path: mtb
    - name: vi_db

 - name: srv
   path: srv1
     LOG_LEVEL: "info"
     mem: 12G
     - name: db
            CONFIG: '[tomcontext.xml:
              {"service_nameDB" : "~{con-name}"}]'`)

    tests := []struct {
        name    string
        wantOut Module
            name: "test",

            wantOut: Module{
                Name: "srv",
                Path: "srv1",

                Properties: Properties{
                    "LOG_LEVEL":       "info",
                    "DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL": "ALL",
                Parameters: Parameters{
                    "mem": "12G",
                Requires: []Requires{
                        Name: "db",
                        Properties: Properties{
                            "CONFIG": `[tomcontext.xml: {"service_nameDB" : "~{con-name}"}]`,

    for _, tt := range tests {
        t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
            actual, err := ParseFile(input)
            require.NoError(t, err)
            require.NotNil(t, actual)
            require.Len(t, actual.Modules, 2)
            assert.Equal(t, tt.wantOut, actual.Modules[1])

func ParseFile(yamlFile []byte) (File, error) {
    var f File
    err := yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &f)
    return f, err

Note that I imported https://github.com/stretchr/testify to make tests a bit easier. Of course you could replace this with your original reflect.DeepEquals check. Testify is useful here because it will print a useful diff in case the expectation is not met.

like image 161
Friedrich Große Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Friedrich Große