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Golang template : Use pipe to uppercase string

I want to upper case a string in a golang template using string.ToUpper like :

{{ .Name | strings.ToUpper  }}

But this doesn't works because strings is not a property of my data.

I can't import strings package because the warns me that it's not used.

Here the script : http://play.golang.org/p/7D69Q57WcN

like image 958
manuquentin Avatar asked Jan 09 '14 21:01


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Golang String to Uppercase To convert string to upper case in Go programming, call strings. ToUpper() function and pass the string as argument to this function.

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1 Answers

Just use a FuncMap like this (playground) to inject the ToUpper function into your template.

import (

type TemplateData struct {
    Name string

func main() {
    funcMap := template.FuncMap{
        "ToUpper": strings.ToUpper,

    tmpl, _ := template.New("myTemplate").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(string("{{ .Name | ToUpper  }}"))

    templateDate := TemplateData{"Hello"}
    var result bytes.Buffer

    tmpl.Execute(&result, templateDate)
like image 119
Nick Craig-Wood Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Nick Craig-Wood