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Golang sharing configurations between packages




So I just started learning the Go programming language and have spent hours on end looking at examples, references and so forth. As most of you would agree there is no better way to learn a language than to dive in and make something, which is what I am attempting to do at the moment. I am building a Restful web service. I have managed to get the basics running as well as inserting into db, registering routes etc. However for the past two days I have been struggling to implement application configurations/properties. It could just be that since I'm newbie my Go project architecture is all wrong hence why I am having such difficulty with this. Without further a due here is my project structure


Here is my config.go

package models

import (

type Config struct  {
   Db map[string]string `json:"db"`
   Server map[string]string `json:"server"`

func NewConfig(fname string) *Config{
   data,err := ioutil.ReadFile(fname)
   if err != nil{
   config := Config{}
   err = json.Unmarshal(data,&config)
   if err != nil {
return config

This is my main

func main(){
    args := os.Args[1:]
    if len(args) == 0{
       fmt.Println("********************\nMust specify a config file   in args\n********************")

   config := models.NewConfig(args[0])
   port := config.Server["PORT"]

   router := routing.NewRouter()
   fmt.Printf(  "-------------------------------------------------\n"+
        "Listening and Serving on Port %s\n"+


And finally this is where my routes get mapped

type Route struct {
   Name string
   Method string
   Pattern string
   HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc

var routes = []Route{


func NewRouter() *mux.Router{
 router :=  mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
 for _,route := range routes{       

return router

So as you can see in my Main I initialise the relevant configurations from a file which is fine. But the issue is how would I go about using that same config object from main in the database package,since I will need to set Host,Ports etc ? I could parse the file again but I would prefer if I could share that one object from the start. Please point me in the right direction

like image 316
MrSSS16 Avatar asked Apr 10 '16 09:04


People also ask

How do you access a struct from an external package in go?

Create a file father.go inside the father folder. The file inside the father folder should start with the line package father as it belongs to the father package. The init function can be used to perform initialization works and can also be used to confirm the correctness of the program before the execution begins.

How do I read a Golang configuration file?

ReadInConfig() → Reads all the configuration variables. viper. Get("variable_name") → Returns the value of the "variable name" variable from environment configurations first and if it is not available, it reads from the configuration file.

How do you define a global variable in Golang?

Typically, global variables are defined on top of the program before the main function. After declaration, a global variable can be accessed and changed at any part of the program. In the example above, we declare a global variable called “global”. We then set the value for the variable inside the multiply function.

What is package scope in Golang?

Visibility in this context means the file space from which a package or other construct can be referenced. For example, if we define a variable in a function, the visibility (scope) of that variable is only within the function in which it was defined.

2 Answers

What I would suggest is declaring a global variable in config.go and initialize it using the init() function. That way, you know that the variable will always be initialized when any package imports it. Here's some code:

package models

import (

var (

    Configuration Config 

init() {

    args := os.Args[1:]
    if len(args) == 0{
       fmt.Println("********************\nMust specify a config file   in args\n********************")

   Configuration = NewConfig(args[0]) // configuration initialized here

type Config struct  {
   Db map[string]string `json:"db"`
   Server map[string]string `json:"server"`

func NewConfig(fname string) *Config{
   data,err := ioutil.ReadFile(fname)
   if err != nil{
   config := Config{}
   err = json.Unmarshal(data,&config)
   if err != nil {
   return config

var() is going to run before init(), but init() will run before the code in the package importing it. So if main.go imports the models package, then init() in models will run before any code inside main.go and thus the variable Configuration will be initialized before it is used.

Effective Go explanation of init()

like image 50
Anfernee Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10


Now what you want just is to provide a variable can be used in another package,the solution is easy,remember that if you declare a variable name begins with uppercase letter:[A-Z],this variable can be visible and used in another package in go.

So you just need to rename config in your main.go to Config and extract it as global variable:

var Config *models.Config
func main(){
args := os.Args[1:]
if len(args) == 0{
   fmt.Println("********************\nMust specify a config file   in args\n********************")

Config = models.NewConfig(args[0])
port := Config.Server["PORT"]

router := routing.NewRouter()
fmt.Printf(  "-------------------------------------------------\n"+
    "Listening and Serving on Port %s\n"+


when you want to use it in another package,just call <package name>.Config,the package name is the package name which your main.go belongs to,maybe main in your case.

like image 31
starkshang Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10
