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golang: given a string, output an equivalent golang string literal



Writing go applications which output valid go code is probably best done using the built-in "go" package and some of its sub-packages ("go/ast", "go/token", "go/printer", etc).

To create a string-literal expression, you need to create an ast.BasicLit:

l := &ast.BasicLit{Kind: token.STRING, Value: "\"Hello world!\""}

In my go program, I've got a string and I need to create an ast.BasicLit which when output will produce a string literal which faithfully reproduces the same string. In order to do that, I must derive from the string a string which represents the go-syntax literal which represents the string. (This concept is so meta, it's difficult to describe without ambiguity.)

What I'm looking for in go is basically the equivalent of the Python built-in repr(). It's an operation which you might call the "opposite" of what eval() in JavaScript does.

An example should help illustrate what I'm looking for.

package main

import (

// Assume the operation I'm hoping to find is implemented in the package "repr" as a function called "StrLit()" with the signature "func(v string) string".

func main() {
    println(repr.StrLit("Hello World!"))
    println(repr.StrLit("This is a\ntest!"))
    println(repr.StrLit("As is\x00this!"))

This program when invoked should output the following:

"Hello World!"
"This is a\ntest!"
"As is\x00this!"

While my specific issue regards strings, I'd be interested in a general solution which would work on values of any type (integer types, float types, even complex types) as follows:

package main

import (

// Assume this time that repr.StrLit() has the signature "func(v interface{}) string".

func main() {
    var a int = 5
    var c complex128 = 1.0+1.0i

This program should output:


I've looked quite a bit through the standard library documentation but haven't really found anything which looks close to what I'm looking for. Hopefully you folks can help me.

Thanks in advance!

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AntiMS Avatar asked Jul 22 '13 03:07


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How do I do a literal * string in Go?

String Literals In Go, strings exist within either back quotes ` (sometimes referred to as back ticks) or double quotes " . Depending on which quotes you use, the string will have different characteristics. Using back quotes, as in ` ```bar``` ` , will create a raw string literal.

What is a string literal in Go programming?

A string literal represents a string constant obtained from concatenating a sequence of characters. There are two forms: raw string literals and interpreted string literals. Raw string literals are character sequences between back quotes, as in `foo` .

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string in Golang is a set of all strings that contain 8-bit bytes. By default, strings in Golang are UTF-8 encoded. Variable of type string is enclosed between double-quotes. The type string variable's value is immutable. The value assigned to the type string variable can be empty but cannot be nil.

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To insert escape characters, use interpreted string literals delimited by double quotes. The escape character \t denotes a horizontal tab and \n is a line feed or newline.

1 Answers

You want http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/#Sprintf with the %#v formatter.

lit := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", "foo") will print out "foo"

See: http://play.golang.org/p/nFAKFObXE5 for an example with various different types including complex literals like structs.

The fmt package has a lot of useful format verbs so be sure to check out the rundown in it's docs.

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Jeremy Wall Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09

Jeremy Wall