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What is an interface assertion?

I have just came across this piece of code on this blog post

type Logger interface {
    Debug(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) error
    Info(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) error
    Error(msg string, keyvals ...interface{}) error

type tmLogger struct {
    srcLogger kitlog.Logger

// Interface assertions
var _ Logger = (*tmLogger)(nil) // What is this?

// ... interface definition ...

What is this "interface assertion"?

like image 748
Patryk Avatar asked Jul 07 '17 17:07


1 Answers

It assigns a nil pointer to a concrete type to a variable of the interface type. This is a common practice to prove that the concrete type fulfills the interface - if it doesn't, that line won't compile, giving an error that the concrete type can't be assigned to a variable of the interface type and why.

As @JimB noted, "interface assertion" is a term made up by the author. Go has no such term. This is, specifically, a type conversion, converting nil to a pointer to tmLogger, then assigning the typed nil pointer to a blank identifier variable of the interface type Logger. If *tmLogger does not satisfy Logger, the assignment won't compile; but, at runtime, this takes no memory because it's using a nil value.

Presumably the author uses this term more in the unit-testing sense of "assertion" than the "type assertion" sense - that line of code asserts that the type implements the interface, and if it doesn't, the line will fail.

Given that this is purely a testing practice, personally I put these checks in _test.go files so that they're included in unit test executions, excluded from the final binary, and clearly part of the test suite and not the application logic.

like image 54
Adrian Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09
