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God object - decrease coupling to a 'master' object

I have an object called Parameters that gets tossed from method to method down and up the call tree, across package boundaries. It has about fifty state variables. Each method might use one or two variables to control its output.

I think this is a bad idea, beacuse I can't easily see what a method needs to function, or even what might happen if with a certain combination of parameters for module Y which is totally unrelated to my current module.

What are some good techniques for decreasing coupling to this god object, or ideally eliminating it ?

        public void ExporterExcelParFonds(ParametresExecution parametres)
        ApplicationExcel appExcel = null;
        LogTool.Instance.ExceptionSoulevee = false;

        bool inclureReferences = parametres.inclureReferences;
        bool inclureBornes = parametres.inclureBornes;
        DateTime dateDebut = parametres.date;
        DateTime dateFin = parametres.dateFin;


            bool fichiersPreparesAvecSucces = PreparerFichiers(parametres, Sections.exportExcelParFonds);
            if (!fichiersPreparesAvecSucces)
                parametres.afficherRapportApresGeneration = false;
                LogTool.Instance.ExceptionSoulevee = true;

The caller would do :

                PortefeuillesReference pr = new PortefeuillesReference();
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Andrei Tanasescu Avatar asked Oct 16 '09 20:10

Andrei Tanasescu

2 Answers

First, at the risk of stating the obvious: pass the parameters which are used by the methods, rather than the god object.

This, however, might lead to some methods needing huge amounts of parameters because they call other methods, which call other methods in turn, etcetera. That was probably the inspiration for putting everything in a god object. I'll give a simplified example of such a method with too many parameters; you'll have to imagine that "too many" == 3 here :-)

public void PrintFilteredReport(
   Data data, FilterCriteria criteria, ReportFormat format)
   var filteredData = Filter(data, criteria);
   PrintReport(filteredData, format);

So the question is, how can we reduce the amount of parameters without resorting to a god object? The answer is to get rid of procedural programming and make good use of object oriented design. Objects can use each other without needing to know the parameters that were used to initialize their collaborators:

// dataFilter service object only needs to know the criteria
var dataFilter = new DataFilter(criteria);

// report printer service object only needs to know the format
var reportPrinter = new ReportPrinter(format);

// filteredReportPrinter service object is initialized with a
// dataFilter and a reportPrinter service, but it doesn't need
// to know which parameters those are using to do their job
var filteredReportPrinter = new FilteredReportPrinter(dataFilter, reportPrinter);

Now the FilteredReportPrinter.Print method can be implemented with only one parameter:

public void Print(data)
   var filteredData = this.dataFilter.Filter(data);

Incidentally, this sort of separation of concerns and dependency injection is good for more than just eliminating parameters. If you access collaborator objects through interfaces, then that makes your class

  • very flexible: you can set up FilteredReportPrinter with any filter/printer implementation you can imagine
  • very testable: you can pass in mock collaborators with canned responses and verify that they were used correctly in a unit test
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Wim Coenen Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 02:11

Wim Coenen

If all your methods are using the same Parameters class then maybe it should be a member variable of a class with the relevant methods in it, then you can pass Parameters into the constructor of this class, assign it to a member variable and all your methods can use it with having to pass it as a parameter.

A good way to start refactoring this god class is by splitting it up into smaller pieces. Find groups of properties that are related and break them out into their own class.

You can then revisit the methods that depend on Parameters and see if you can replace it with one of the smaller classes you created.

Hard to give a good solution without some code samples and real world situations.

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Ryu Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 04:11
