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gnuplot tics disappear when using 'with image'



I have a simple script:

set term postscript portrait color
set output 'output.ps'
plot 'data_file' using 1:2:3 with image, 'data_file2' using 1:2 with lines

The problem is that the with image command makes the tics disappear in both axis and I can't make gnuplot show them unless I remove that command, which I can't since I'm plotting a cbrange (the third column is the range)


like image 629
Gabriel Avatar asked Jun 04 '12 19:06


1 Answers

pm3d is not the same as "plot ... with image", so the workaround is maybe not the best solution. It seems, that gnuplot sets the tics automatically to the background, when you use the "with image" option, so

set tics front

should solve the problem (At least it did in my case).

like image 187
Regenbogenmaschine Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10
