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Global variables in Java



People also ask

How do you declare a global variable in Java?

To define a Global variable in java, the keyword static is used. Java actually doesn't have the concept of Global variable, it is known as class variable ( static field ). These are the variables that can be used by the entire class. // constructer used to initialise a Student object.

What are global and local variables in Java?

A global variable exists in the program for the entire time the program is executed. A local variable is created when the function is executed, and once the execution is finished, the variable is destroyed. It can be accessed throughout the program by all the functions present in the program.

Why global variables are not allowed in Java?

Why Doesn't Java use Global Variables? The short answer to this question is: intentional design. Java was created as a purely object-oriented programming language, which is why everything you create is wrapped in a class.

What is meant by global variable?

In computer programming, a global variable is a variable with global scope, meaning that it is visible (hence accessible) throughout the program, unless shadowed. The set of all global variables is known as the global environment or global state.

To define Global Variable you can make use of static Keyword

public class Example {
    public static int a;
    public static int b;

now you can access a and b from anywhere by calling



You don't. That's by design. You shouldn't do it even if you could.

That being said you could create a set of public static members in a class named Globals.

public class Globals {
   public static int globalInt = 0;

but you really shouldn't :). Seriously .. don't do it.

Another way is to create an interface like this:

public interface GlobalConstants
  String name = "Chilly Billy";
  String address = "10 Chicken head Lane";

Any class that needs to use them only has to implement the interface:

public class GlobalImpl implements GlobalConstants
  public GlobalImpl()

You are better off using dependency injection:

public class Globals {
    public int a;
    public int b;

public class UsesGlobals {
    private final Globals globals;
    public UsesGlobals(Globals globals) {
        this.globals = globals;

Lots of good answers, but I want to give this example as it's considered the more proper way to access variables of a class by another class: using getters and setters.

The reason why you use getters and setters this way instead of just making the variable public is as follows. Lets say your var is going to be a global parameter that you NEVER want someone to change during the execution of your program (in the case when you are developing code with a team), something like maybe the URL for a website. In theory this could change and may be used many times in your program, so you want to use a global var to be able to update it all at once. But you do not want someone else to go in and change this var (possibly without realizing how important it is). In that case you simply do not include a setter method, and only include the getter method.

public class Global{
    private static int var = 5;

    public static int getVar(){
        return Global.var;

    //If you do not want to change the var ever then do not include this
    public static void setVar(int var){
        Global.var = var;

Truly speaking there is not a concept of "GLOBAL" in a java OO program

Nevertheless there is some truth behind your question because there will be some cases where you want to run a method at any part of the program. For example---random() method in Phrase-O-Matic app;it is a method should be callable from anywhere of a program.

So in order to satisfy the things like Above "We need to have Global-like variables and methods"


 1.Mark the variable as public static final While declaring.


 1. Mark the method as public static While declaring.

Because I declared global variables and method as static you can call them anywhere you wish by simply with the help of following code


NOTE: X can be either method name or variable name as per the requirement and ClassName is the name of the class in which you declared them.