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Glimpse HUD not showing

I am trying to integrate Glimpse into my existing ASP.NET MVC 5 project. But I cannot see any HUD at bottom right corner as demonstrated in their site. I have all of the assemblies downloaded from NuGet, using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate and running in localhost.

Can anyone tell me what could be the problem? I am not finding any relevant topic online either.

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lbrahim Avatar asked Mar 11 '14 04:03


People also ask

How do I enable glimpse?

Enable Glimpse for localhostNavigate to http://localhost:<port #>/glimpse. axd and click the Turn Glimpse On button. You can now navigate your app, and the Heads Up Display (HUD) is shown at the bottom of the page.

1 Answers

@Md.lbrahim by looking at the comment replies of you above, it seems that Glimpse is indeed active and rendering its <script> tags.

Can you check with the browser developer tools whether the Glimpse client is actually rendered at the bottom but maybe hidden by another element that has a higher z-index?

If you still can't get the HUD to show up, then maybe create an issue on our issue tracker and try to provide as much details as possible (browser used, versions, other installed packages that might interfere with Glimpse rendering etc...)

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cgijbels Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 23:11
