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Glide and NotificationCompat.Builder setLargeIcon()

How to use Glide into NotificationCompat.Builder setLargeIcon(Bitmap icon)? I already looked into this tutorial but I don't want to use RemoteViews. I also want to get use of Glide.placeholder(int resource) and Glide.error(int resource) without using the strategy Glide.into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(){ ... });

like image 611
Damia Fuentes Avatar asked Aug 11 '17 17:08

Damia Fuentes

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public class NotificationCompat.Builder. Builder class for NotificationCompat objects. Allows easier control over all the flags, as well as help constructing the typical notification layouts. On platform versions that don't offer expanded notifications, methods that depend on expanded notifications have no effect.

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You know by now how Glide targets work, thus we won't go over it again. In order to display a large image in the notification, you could use RemoteViews and display a custom notification. The following code creates a custom notification with the layout above for us.

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2 Answers

here is how I did this with Glide 4.8.0

val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId)

val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

val futureTarget = Glide.with(this)
val bitmap =
        try {
        catch (e: InterruptedException) {
            //set bitmap fallback in case of glide get fail on a 404 response
        catch (e: ExecutionException) {
            //set bitmap fallback in case of glide get fail on a 404 response



notificationManager.notify(0, notificationBuilder.build())


enter image description here

like image 145
Dan Alboteanu Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11

Dan Alboteanu

Finally I did not find a way to this so I did the strategy Glide.into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(){ ... });, which is:

int largeIconSize = Math.round(64 * context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density);
        .override(largeIconSize, largeIconSize)
        .into(new BaseTarget<Bitmap>() {
            public void onResourceReady(Bitmap resource, Transition<? super Bitmap> transition) {

            public void getSize(SizeReadyCallback cb) {
                cb.onSizeReady(largeIconSize, largeIconSize);

            public void onLoadFailed(@Nullable Drawable errorDrawable) {
                notificationBuilder.setLargeIcon(((BitmapDrawable) errorDrawable).getBitmap());

            public void onLoadStarted(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {
                notificationBuilder.setLargeIcon(((BitmapDrawable) placeholder).getBitmap());

and publish() is:

Notification notification = notificationBuilder.build();
notificationManager.notify(notificationID, notification);
like image 39
Damia Fuentes Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 19:11

Damia Fuentes