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Glassfish 4 can't enable remote admin?

I have a Glassfish 4 server running on a headless Debian VM. I can access the application just fine, but I cannot seem to access the admin port from anything other than localhost. I'd like to be able to access it so I can remotely deploy/debug from an IDE on another machine.

I've tried the asamin enable-secure-admin command, which completes but after restarting there is no change.

I've checked with netstat and Glassfish is only listening on port 4848 from localhost. Is there any other place remote admin is controlled from? Or something I'm missing?

like image 226
Austin Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 06:03


1 Answers

You need the following to administer Glassfish remotely:

  • set a non-blank password for all admin logins
  • enable secure admin
  • ensure the network listener is listening on the correct IP addresses (it could be set to listen only on the loopback interface)
like image 112
dsh Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 01:03
