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Given cbegin(), cend(), why is there no cfront(), cback(), cfind(), ...?





So, in order to allow code such as

auto vect = ...;
auto it = vect.begin(), end = vect.end(); // want const_iterator, getting iterator

to pick the right overload of begin() and end(), even for non-const containers, the more explicit cbegin()/cend() functions were added.

Why stop there?

Associative containers have a find() method with the same problem. Sequence containers have front() and back(), again with the same problem.

Are these missing explicit const versions omissions, or by design?

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Marc Mutz - mmutz Avatar asked May 26 '15 10:05

Marc Mutz - mmutz

2 Answers

A wider API has cost, even just to skip over it when looking for the function you want.

template<class T>
T const as_const(T&& t) noexcept(noexcept(T(std::declval<T>())) {
  return std::forward<T>(t);
template<class T>
T const& as_const(T& t) noexcept {
  return t;

does most of what you want. It would even make cbegin obsolete.

(modifications done to the code above based off n4380 supplied by @T.C below. Code differs, because I think n4380 got it slightly wrong in the T&& case.)

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Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont

The purpose of cbegin/cend is to solve a specific problem. Consider this code:

std::vector<int> & v = //... v is a non-const reference

// For clarity, I want this iterator to be a const_iterator.
// This works because iterator is implicitly convertible to const_iterator
std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = find(v.begin(),v.end(),42);

// (1) Now I want to use iter in an algorithm
std::find(iter, v.end(), 38); //Error, can not deduce the template parameter for Iter. 

// (2) This works
std::find(iter, const_cast<const std::vector<int> &>(v).end(), 38);

// (3) This is the same as (2).
std::find(iter, v.cend(), 38);

The problem is that, due to how template deduction rules work, the compiler can not deduce the template iterator argument in the statement (1), because Container::iterator and Container::const_iterator are (potentially) two completely unrelated types (even if the former is implicitly convertible in the latter).

The statement (2) is not exactly a beautiful line, that is why we need cend().

Now, front(), back() et similia all return a reference. A non-const reference can always be deduced as const in a templated function, that is:

template<class T> void f( const T & l, const T & r);

int main()
    int x; vector<int> v;

    //This will works even if the return type of front() is int&.
    f(x, v.front());

Since Container::const_reference is required by the standard to be equal to const Container::value_type &, cfront()/cback() do not buy us anything.

It is worth mentioning that other containers library (looking at you Qt) are implemented using Copy-On-Write.

This means that calling a const function on such container is potentially much less expensive than calling the equivalent non-const version, simply because the non-const might copy the entire container under the hood.

For this reason the Qt containers have a lot of constFunction in their interface, and the user has the freedom to pick the right one.

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sbabbi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
