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Gitorious: private mode for projects



How do we make a project private in Gitorious? Does Gitorious support it at all? I searched around but couldn't find anything useful, except that Gitorious doesn't seem to have a private mode for projects. Thanks in advance.

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devnull Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 06:12


4 Answers

If you really need private repositories, and you are looking for a free alternative, try BitBucket. Unlimited private repositories, for free!

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gnclmorais Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 22:11


It's not possible in Gitorious at the moment/maybe never. There is an outstanding merge request at the moment here but there is no update as to when it will hit the mainline (i.e. Gitorious.org).

If you want private repositories then you need to host Gitorious yourself - it's easy enough to install, and then make the entire install private.

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Shane O'Grady Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 23:11

Shane O'Grady

Gitorious now has support for private repos. Get the latest version and add enable_private_repositories: true to config/gitorious.yml. The Gitorious wiki page is https://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/PrivateRepositories.

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Jeff Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 22:11


There is a fork of Gitorious called YouSource which has private repositories. The repo is here and there's also a detailed installation guide for it.

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user994191 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 00:11
