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My Gitorious doesn't create the repositories!




I've just installed gitorious here, but I'm having problems creating new repositories. I configured it to create them in the /home/git/ directory, and the it's already 777. When I create a new repository, it goes to "This repository is being created, it will be ready pretty soon…" and keep showing this forever.

I started the git-daemon from the scripts, the log:

2009-06-09 15:19:27 [31837] Received TERM, exiting..
2009-06-09 15:19:40 [32467] Listening on

Any idea what could be happening? Or where I could look for more info

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Tiago Avatar asked Jun 09 '09 18:06


2 Answers

It's almost two years later, but.. ya, you need to run the poller. To test this, as the git user in the gitorious directory try running

script/poller run

This will run the poller synchronously. It will keep running until you hit control-C. If this starts your repositories being created etc, then you need to look into getting the file /etc/init.d/git-poller set up and running at boot time.

Hoping this helps someone else out there who runs into this.

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Reid Ellis Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Reid Ellis

you need to start the poller (script/poller and run an STOMP compatible queue server, such as activemq), please consult the gitorious mailinglist and/or docs, as I only came across this thread by pure accident and likely wont again

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user128043 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
