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GitlabCI run pipeline on specific branch and manual



So i am unable to specify this two things togather

build/deploy with these specific conditions.

From a specific branchb : develop And allow to run any branch from web run pipeline button.

Ive tried adding both conditions but this builds non develop branches

  stage: build
    - develop
    - web

If i remove web it works only on develop branch but im not allowed to run the job from web button

Has anyone achieved this before ?

like image 718
Illiax Avatar asked Aug 01 '18 22:08


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1 Answers

You can do this with the rules clause, introduced in GitLab 12.3:

      when: always
      when: manual

$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH is what you have set as the default branch in your GitLab repository settings.

See this example repo that a member of the GitLab team created.

like image 180
Jan Fabry Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Jan Fabry