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GitLab CI docker in docker can't create volume

I'm using docker in docker to host my containers as they work through the pipeline. The container I create from my code is setup to have a volume to pass in a gcloud key to the container. This works perfectly on my local machine, but on the gitlab-runner it doesn't link correctly.

From reading this appears to be because it links the host to my container, rather than the dind host to my container.

How do I link the directory that is inside dind to my container?

(Also ignore any minor issues with tagging and such, this ci file is very early in development)

GitLab ci below

image: docker:latest
  - docker:dind

  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
  CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/fdsa
  CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE: registry.gitlab.com/asdf

  - build_test_image
  - deploy

.docker_login: &docker_login | # This is an anchor
     docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN registry.gitlab.com

build test image:
    stage: build_test_image
      - *docker_login
      - docker build -t $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE .
      - docker push $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE

test run:
    stage: deploy
        - *docker_login
        - mkdir /key
        - echo $GCP_SVC_KEY > /key/application_default_credentials.json
        - docker run --rm -v "/key:/.config/gcloud/" $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE
        - docker
like image 852
north.mister Avatar asked Sep 26 '17 23:09


1 Answers


Your problem is in the fact that DIND runs ALL containers on your host (or top-level Docker engine) so when you mount a directory to your $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE (2nd level Docker) this image in fact runs on your host through the mounted socket and thus the container is looking for that directory on your Docker host.

I've had this same issue mounting tests in containers and solved it through linking volumes between containers.


In your case I think the docker cp command could solve your need to copy the /key/application_default_credentials.json file to the container.

Something like:

- docker run --name="myContainer" -d $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE
- docker cp /key/application_default_credentials.json myContainer::/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json
- docker exec -it myContainer 'run_tests_or_whatever_command'
- docker rm -f myContainer
like image 92
Stefan van Gastel Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Stefan van Gastel