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gitignore not working (reason found) using gitextensions in visual studio

I'm using gitextensions in visual studio 2010, and apparently I added a bunch of files to my repository which I didnt want to track. I later edited the gitignore file to try to exclude them, but now I realize that this will not remove the files already added which are now part of the gitignore.

I found this discussion on how to remove the files I don't want to track: Ignore files that have already been committed to a Git repository

But, I'd like to see if there is a way to do this same thing using gitextensions, instead of the commandline?

like image 665
Brady Moritz Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 17:01

Brady Moritz

People also ask

Why is my .gitignore file not working?

Check the file you're ignoring Take a good look at your structure, and make sure you're trying to ignore the file that isn't already committed to your repository. If it is, remove the file from the repository and try again. This should fix the Gitignore not working issue.

How do I add Gitignore to Visual Studio?

Open Visual Studio and the solution needing an ignore file. From the top menu select Git > Settings. The above will open Visual Studio's Options with Source Control > Git Global Settings selected. From the list on the left select Git Repository Settings and then click the Add button for Ignore file.

Why is my file not being ignored in Gitignore?

gitignore ignores only untracked files. Your files are marked as modified - meaning they were committed in the past, and git now tracks them. To ignore them, you first need to delete them, git rm them, commit and then ignore them.

1 Answers

There is no way to do this in git extensions. Use the command line. It's better and faster anyway. You get bash functionality, command history and many other things you throw out the window when you use an IDE's interface for VCS.

like image 155
Adam Dymitruk Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10

Adam Dymitruk