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GitHub Wiki pages sort order?




I don't seem to be able to give a sort order to the Wiki pages of a project on GitHub. Does this option even exist?

GitHub pages screenshot

like image 659
tocqueville Avatar asked Sep 08 '16 16:09


People also ask

How do I organize my wiki pages in GitHub?

You could use the github-wiki-sidebar npm module to enforce an order of the pages and also generate the sidebar menu. In the end, your GitHub wiki sidebar is updated as the --git-push command will also commit your changes to origin repository. It adds the modified _Sidebar.md file an option.

How do you order pages on Wikipedia?

Access any of your Wiki pages and select the Rearrange tab; a window will open as shown below: You can easily drag and drop pages into the desired order - when ready, press the Save button to confirm your choice. Each page will also display a link to edit or delete any Wiki page.

How do I clone a wiki from GitHub?

The Wiki pages are managed as a repository. So click on your repository, then on the left side click on Wiki. Finally on the upper right corner click on Clone Repository. There you will clear instructions on how to clone it correctly.

2 Answers

It does not.

But you can use the side bar to make a custom 'table of contents' where you can put them in any order you want, with headings and everything, see below (from https://github.com/BrechtDeMan/WebAudioEvaluationTool/wiki)

You may want to have a look at the answers to this question.

enter image description here

like image 122
BrechtDeMan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


Another approach is to prepend numbers in front of your page titles.

1. Home 2. Installation 3. Domain 4. CmsMethods 
like image 37
Kevin Workman Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Kevin Workman